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Why I Started My Blog

Writer's picture: Benjamin DouwesBenjamin Douwes

I’ve loved something I knew nothing about. I loved to write, but I didn’t know how to write. Often I would say to myself, if I were back in school I would have put more effort into learning how to write and improve my grammar. I repeated that thought for many years and did very little to change it.

1 Corinthians 13:1 God is love

What was holding me back?

I was intimidated by those who may criticize my writing and poor grammar. I’m still learning how to use to, too, and two and there, they're and their in a sentence. For most of you, it may be simple, but for me, it can be frustrating.

It takes me days to write one blog, because I’m constantly rewriting, rereading, and making sure it’s correct; that doesn’t include the time researching what I’m writing. My daughter encourages me and says, “dad, don’t second guess what your writing.” In other words, write it, correct it, check it, and move on.

Why I started my blog?

I started my blog due to what I was reading and hearing in the world around me. So as I listened and read from the most educated, and influential in our nation and the world; politicians, judges, governors, educators, preachers, celebrities, and media. Most of the people I was listening to, but not all, were like a “clanging cymbal.” They spoke beautiful words but they are empty and meaningless.

They have thrown science and truth out the door and replaced them with feelings, emotions, and lies. If you’ve read any of my recent blogs, you know what I’m talking about. These people, who so many look up to can’t define a woman, they affirm child gender mutilation, they legislate the murder of children, and that’s just a few of the horrendous ideologies we are faced with every day.

Do all things out of love

Love is telling the truth! Love can cause others to hate you, it can cause being disowned by those you love, and who once loved you. It can cause the loss of your career, your job, and your network of business associates. It can cause the loss of your reputation and standing in your family and society. It can cause the loss of your children and the loss of your spouse. Love can cause pain, suffering, loneliness, and even death.

There are many forms of love, but “agape” love is selfless, unconditional, and unconcerned with self. This is the love God has for us, and somehow and someway God wants us to have this love for Him and our neighbors.

Telling our neighbors the truth

As a Christian, I find it imperative to announce to all that I am a follower of Jesus, and as you may have seen on the heading of my website “The Christian faith is personal but not private.” That’s right, my faith is not private but should be announced in words and action to the world.

So I made the conscious decision three months ago to take that step, and write about those things that I find important as a follower of Jesus. Writing and researching in a biblical worldview. Presenting my thoughts, opinions, and facts in written form on my blog. Because I believe we are living in a time of deception and Christians should not fear standing for truth.

I don’t expect agreement from all who read my articles, but I do hope if anything my blog will encourage you to open your heart and mind to the immorality sweeping our culture, and that you would not hesitate to cross-examine the bombardment of false news and information that we are exposed to every day.

Speaking out of love

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1

Agape love is divine and it’s heavenly, and without Christ, agape love cannot be found in the life of a person - I strive to keep Christ in my heart, and in turn, hope my articles be seasoned with compassion, empathy, and love, that every one of my readers would come to the understanding and knowledge of our Creator. But, like the Apostle Paul, I will not refrain from blogging the truth.

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2 kommentarer

M. Fearghail
M. Fearghail
23. maj 2023

Greetings, via this platform, brother Benjamin Douwes. This is my first comment today. The other comment is on your latest article. Today, 5/23/2023, I happened upon your 8/19/2023 article. I read it and several of your other 44 articles (as of this comment date). Your affirmation of the biblical worldview -- especially against the sinking sand of ungodly worldviews, even in many “churches,” that are driving this once great nation to fall -- is appreciated greatly!

Via my Medium platform (, of only four articles, from 4/15/2023 to 5/19/2023), I found your Medium platform ( and this website. My original website ( is ongoing, since 3/6/2006, with over 400 articles, on 20 topics, including 12, so far, on “Worldviews in…

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Benjamin Douwes
Benjamin Douwes
24. maj 2023
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I wrote an article "Christians: Biblical Illiteracy" that speaks a little about the bible illiteracy rate of Christians in America - and the reason for believers not having a biblical worldview. Thank you for sharing, Ill be sure to check your pages.

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