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Writer's pictureBenjamin Douwes

Respect for Marriage Act: Is it Harmful to Children?

A family giving a dog a bath.

There was once a time in our nation when our legislators, republican and democrat alike, defined marriage between a man and a woman. Unfortunately, the family structure is being redefined in the United States and is displaying its effect on our children.

The Respect for Marriage Act defines marriage between any two people, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin; the bill states, "this bill provides statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages."

This may sound like a very inclusive and non-discriminatory bill that will afford the rights and privileges for all people, specifically for the LGBTQ+ community, which has advocated for so long for the right to same-sex marriage.

With this bill, marriage is no longer defined exclusively between a man and a woman but between two people. But, the Respect for Marriage Act is not about marriage, in fact, it is a disrespect of marriage and the exploitation of children, and the deconstruction of the family - all for the benefit of adult choice.

Did our legislators have the best interest of our children in mind when creating this bill?

(1) No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family.
(2) Diverse beliefs about the role of gender in marriage are held by reasonable and sincere people based on decent and honorable religious or philosophical premises. Therefore, Congress affirms that such people and their diverse beliefs are due proper respect.
(3) Millions of people, including interracial and same-sex couples, have entered into marriages and have enjoyed the rights and privileges associated with marriage. Couples joining in marriage deserve to have the dignity, stability, and ongoing protection that marriage affords to families and children.

It is true, no union is more profound than marriage, it is the foundation of the family - the definition of family is "one or more parents and their children living together as a unit."

We can rephrase, rewrite and redefine the definition of a father, mother, man, woman, and even marriage, but this doesn’t elude us from the fact that we all have a mother and father.

As adults, have we considered what is best for our children? I am sure some same-sex marriage partners have no desire for children, but some have every intention of having a family.

Is it best for our children to be taught and raised that same-sex marriage is okay? Knowing that children in same-sex marriages will be absent from their biological fathers and mothers, possibly never knowing who they are?

Have we considered that every child has a mother and a father, and if possible, shouldn't they be raised by them or at least know who they are at some point in their life? If a child is adopted, isn't best for the child to have a mother and father?

This bill covers all the bases for those citing love is love. It's a band-aid that will include inclusion, equality, and marriage for every person. But, underneath is a festering sore affecting our culture and children emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Children raised without their biological parent(s).

Opposing the Respect for Marriage Act does not affirm same-sex people's inability to love others and children. It is obvious that same-sex people do love and care for others, this is not the issue - is it beneficial for the children?

Before President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act on the South Lawn of the White House, he delivered a speech. In that speech, he spoke of the “hundreds of callus cynical laws” “targeting transgender children.” Advocating the protection of doctors who give these transgender kids the “care they need.”

It’s no secret, we know what the President was referring to. Hormonal treatment, puberty blockers, and surgeries. Is this the care they need?

The President said, “we need to protect these children, so they know they're loved and stand up for them.” Do we love them by sexualizing them? The so-called “care they need” is physically and emotionally invasive to children.

There is a point and a time when a Christian needs to reject man's laws and adhere to God's Word and will - and this is undoubtedly the time. This is not a call to anarchy - God forbid. But, it is a time to speak truth and live the Word in the love of God. 1 Peter 2:13-17

The Church must cling to God's Word and His definition of marriage - and that is between a man and a woman. The union of a man and woman is undoubtedly profound, divine, and holy, instituted by God and not man. Genesis 2:23-24

God is the architect of marriage and He included children as the center of the family. God designed children to be inclusive with their parents. Together, in marriage, they would be fathers and mothers to their children - providers, and protectors of children, raising them in the fear and love of God.

I must say, I do wonder what the church as a whole has been preaching and teaching these last 50 years. Has it been teaching about God’s definition of marriage, family, and the role of a husband and wife in light of Christ and the Church? Or has it been preaching “love is love”?


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