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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin Douwes

A Church Divided Cannot Stand: Who Is The Church?

The American people will cast their vote in less than one week. Even though midterm elections are not as popular as presidential elections, midterm elections have a significant influence and impact on national politics. Voters can vote for federal, state, county, city, and local offices and measures or actions based on their district.

Our culture influences how people vote, and evangelicals are no exception. Christians struggle with temptation daily, and it is an element of the Christian walk. What sets the believer apart from the world is God’s infallible Word. The believer possesses God’s truth. It is a lamp and light for those who follow Christ. (Psalm 119:105)

As culture changes so do our politicians.

Stacey Abrams, who is running for governor in the state of Georgia, is an advocate for abortion. She once opposed abortion until her reformation in college. She said this during an interview with CNN.

“I’ve thought about my faith a great deal. In fact, I was anti-abortion until I went to college. And there I met a friend who has my shared faith values, but we started having conversations about what reproductive care and abortion care really is. And when I talk about that, it was an experience that I had because she was able to give me a different perspective,”

Her stance on abortion is far more extreme now than in her days in college. She now claims in her own words. "There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body."

I am not bashing Stacey Abrams, a professing Christian who was raised in a United Methodist home with clergy parents. But her record of biblical truth has diminished and is reminiscent of our culture.

Pastor endorses a candidate that is pro-abortion

Pastor and televangelist Creflo Dollar welcomed and introduced Stacey Abrams as “governor” in his mega-church in College Park, Georgia. She is running for Georgia governor, but she has already been vetted, endorsed, and affirmed by pastor Dollar.

This is not to say Stacey Abrams should not be welcomed in pastor Dollar’s church or any other church, but her stance on abortion and pastor Dollar's affirmation sent reverberation among the Christian community.

Voters in California will decide if viable babies can be legally aborted

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortion has been an issue in California, specifically for Governor Gavin Newsom; after all, he worked overtime to get Proposition 1 on the November ballot. He signed 13 abortion bills denying the rights of babies this year.

The people of California will speak on November 8th and decide if a mother should have the right to abort their baby up to birth. Surveys have shown that voters are not in favor of abortion at the stage of viability, which is around 24 weeks. However, proposition 1, if passed, will allow abortion up to 40 weeks of birth; this is extreme, cruel, and evil.

Let me make this clear. Proposition 1 is not about overturning abortion in California. The Golden State has legalized abortion since 1969, four years before Roe. The current law allows abortion up to 23-24 weeks or before viability. Proposition 1 will allow late-term abortion or - birthday abortion.

Evangelicals are divided when it comes to abortion

Jesus said, “a nation divided cannot stand” if Christians are divided they cannot stand. The governor of California is doing everything possible to legalize late-term abortion. We have a pro-abortion Christian candidate in Georgia running for governor and endorsed by a popular televangelist pastor. Christians are sinking deeper into a culture of ungodliness.

God gave His Word, the Bible, to the believer so that the believer would not walk in darkness, but in the light; and that the follower of Christ would be current with all world events. Even the issue of abortion - God made it clear that babies in the womb are just as human as babies outside the womb. (Psalm 139:13-16)

Are Christians divided? The question should be, who are the Christians? Born-again Christians are the Church - the Church cannot be divided.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?

Matthew 12:25-26

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